When I woke up this morning, I immediately contacted my mentor (AM Hansen) with my plan for the day: Including some research and drafting of questions. For my first work time (10am-12pm) after contacting AM, I created and began working on an organization document for my project and read a handful of articles and stories about how to conduct a successful interview and how to be prepared. I took a break and then began working again at 1pm, this time for a much longer time period, to 5pm. I spent this time writing and brainstorming questions for my interviews. I also planned out which days I was going to which places, and how many people I wanted to interview per location. I continued reading articles and watching videos on successful interviews, which were very helpful to writing my questions and overall organizing my project. Tonight, I plan to work again from 8pm to 9pm polishing off my questions and making sure I'm prepared for tomorrow. After my work today, I feel much more comfortable and prepared to be successful with this project. I'm really excited for my first interviews tomorrow!
Todays hours: 7
Total hours: 7
Sounds like you had a successful first day of self-organizing! Fantastic! I look forward to hearing about how your interviews go and reading the stories you capture!